Marcus Frimel, Artist in Short-term Residence

Photo © Max Grünauer

Residency Period
December 1 to 16, 2022

Marcus Frimel is a Nuremberg based artist working with performance, film and installation.

In 2020 Marcus Frimel founded and directed the multidisciplinary collective „The Nest“. His work as director of this collective is still ongoing.

Frimels work has been shown at several exhibitions, for example Broken Hearts Devour, Cannibals with Feelings, Kunstarkaden Munich in 2018, Milk Foam, Vitrine Nuremberg in the same year. A Yellowhead, The super machine curated by Ellen Blumenstein, The Mill Mostviel and Wetlands, Isnt`t it a gimme?, HFK Gallery Bremen both in 2019. The following year The Betrayed Sea, Exhibition, Semperdepot Vienna and from 2021 onwards an exhibition called The Vapors of the City shown in Karlsruhe, Baden-Baden and Nuremberg.

In 2022 Marcus Frimel was awarded the Graduation Award Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg.