Eva Ursprung, Artist in Short-term Residence

eva-ursprung_foto-alexandra-gschiel Kopie
Photo: Alexandra Gschiel

Residence Period
July 20 to 24, 2020

This residency is organized in cooperation with 
Schaumbad – Freies Atelierhaus Graz

Eva Ursprung lives and works as a freelance artist and curator in Graz. Actions, installations, objects, art in public, social and electronic space. Work with video, photography and sound; (Music) performances. Founding member of the feminist cultural magazine Eva & Co (1982-1992), 1993 foundation of the art association W.A.S. (Womyn’s Art Support). 1997–2003 curator for visual arts at Forum Stadtpark Graz, since 2005 on the board of IMA (Institute for Media Archeology). 2008 founding member and president of Schaumbad – Freies Atelierhaus Graz.