Charlotte Desaga, Curator in Short-term Residence 2019

© Charlotte Desaga

Residence Period
June 16 to June 30, 2019

Charlotte Desaga (*1977) is a freelance curator, exhibition manager and researcher on the topic of politicization of the notion of nature in contemporary art. She owns a comprehensive professional experience in various fields within the art world, but above all in the international exhibition and art market environment, including consulting. Her career developed from an artistic practice to a curatorial/planning activity, first in the off-space segment, later as an independent gallerist. 2013 relocation from Cologne to Berlin, where since then she works as a freelancer in the international art segment in the area of ​​strategy development and exhibition management and artist-brand collaborations. Since 2015, Charlotte also works as Artist Collaboration Manager for the environmental organization Parley for the Oceans (NYC). Here, its focus primarily lies on fundraising, support, and implementation of artistic projects in the thematic context of environmental and climate protection. Since 2013, she is programming and running the scholarship program of the non-profit Swiss Foundation St. Moritz Art Academy, Switzerland. She had teaching assignments at various art colleges (Düsseldorf, Berlin, Milan) and since 2018 is a Ph.D. candidate (Art and Media Studies, Academy of Media Arts Cologne).