Reading Circle 01, curated by Malou Solfjeld

Reading Circle 01
March 04, 2020 at 6.30 pm

As part of her curatorial approach to the exhibition “New homes for horses, cats and canariesopening at das weisse haus in April 2020, Malou Solfjeld is initiating a reading circle every second week leading up to the vernissage. No reading beforehand is required, as we will read together extracts from books, selected in relation to the show. 

The first event is dedicated to ÖBV-Buchhandlung, who used to inhabit the rooms of das weisse haus and is still today located next door. The topic of the first reading circle is “Neighbours”– with the subtitle “Guest Host Ghost”, in order to discuss the relation between home and neighbour, guest and host and not least, ghosts. What can we learn from the literature presented to us, when we were kids, and how can we un-learn in order to re-learn? 

Reading list
>>> Gilles Deleuze/Félix Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus. Capitalism and Schizophrenia, Bloomsbury Academic, 1988.
>>> Louis James, Xenophobe’s guide to the AUSTRIANS. A frank and amusing look at what makes the Austrians AUSTRIAN, Xenophobe’s Guides, 2013.
>>> Ursula K Le Guin, The Operating Instructions, 2002, published in Words Are My Matter, 2016.
>>> Astrid Lindgren, The Best of Pippi Longstocking, Oxford Press, 2015, first published in 1945.
>>> Michel Serres, The Parasite, Übersetzung Lawrence R. Schehr, University of Minnesota Press, 1980.